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Touro took care of me while I was there, and they saved my life

  • Author: Sharon H.
  • Date Submitted: Nov 2, 2021
  • Category: Stroke

“ Touro took care of me while I was there, and they saved my life.”

I was sitting in my living room reading a book one day and then I started feeling kind of weird. I thought, “well, that’s strange.” I got up to go to the kitchen to get water and when I was walking through the halls, the walls looked like they were moving, and I had to navigate around them.

I turned around and went back to the living room and knew something wasn’t right. I called a taxi and said, “take me to Touro.” When I got there, I told the nurse that was by the door that I thought I was having a stroke.

Immediately I was rolled to a room. I’ve never seen so many people come into a room at a time. They started asking me questions after questions, started an IV, and eventually the x-ray department came. They had a lady sitting in the corner of the room just watching and listening to everything going on. Looking back on it, now I know that it was Dr. Sheryl-Martin Schilds and her team.

It all just happened so fast. They gave a medication that would dissolve any blot clotting I may have had, and they were able to abort the stroke from happening.

They then moved me to ICU for the night for further evaluation. My nurses in ICU, Q, Walter, and Kayce were excellent. Touro took care of me while I was there, and they saved my life.